
Experience the joy of creating delicious cuisine as a professional chef


A chef is a culinary professional who specializes in the preparation and presentation of food. Chefs work in a variety of settings, including restaurants, hotels, catering companies, and private households. They are responsible for creating menus, selecting ingredients, and preparing and cooking food dishes. Chefs may also supervise kitchen staff and manage inventory and ordering.

Chefs may specialize in a particular cuisine or cooking style, such as French, Italian, or Asian. They may also specialize in certain types of dishes, such as pastries, seafood, or vegan cuisine. Chefs need to have a strong knowledge of food safety and sanitation, as well as a good sense of taste and presentation.


For Bachelor’s

  • A Bachelor's degree in Hospitality Management or a related field is typically required for entry-level Rooms Division Manager positions.
  • Relevant coursework may include rooms division operations, housekeeping management, front office management, hospitality law, and leadership.

For Work Experience

  • A Master's degree in Hospitality Management or a related field may be preferred or required for more senior-level positions in Rooms Division Management.
  • Relevant coursework may include advanced operations management, strategic planning, financial management, and leadership. 

Job Roles

The field of hotel management aims to provide in-depth knowledge and enhance the skills of the students. To do such a task, the cooking field presents innumerable job profiles:  

  • Food stylist
  • Caterer
  • Sous Chef
  • Recipe developer
  • Food writer
  • Food critic
  • Research and development chef
  • Private chef
  • Culinary instructor
  • Personal Chef

Employment Sector

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Hotels
  • Airlines
  • Restaurants
  • Cruise Liners
  • Food Processing Companies
  • Corporate Catering

Top Recruiters

There are many recruiters from leading companies who enlist potential students in the cooking field. Following are some Recruiters from where students can find an employment opportunity in India:

  • Taj Group
  • ITC Hotels
  • Vivanta by Taj
  • Oberoi Sheraton


The salary range may vary from company to company, but the salary of a chef is very impressive in India.


Level of Salary

Annual Level Salary 

Starting Salary

Approx ₹2,00,000

Mid Level Salary

Approx ₹6,00,000 

Senior Level Salary

Approx ₹12,00,000 


  • Creativity 
  • Research
  • Adaptability
  • Determination
  • Accuracy


The career scope of a chef is quite diverse and promising. Chefs can work in various settings such as restaurants, hotels, resorts, cruise ships, and catering companies. With experience and skill, chefs can climb up the ladder to become head chefs, executive chefs, or even open their own restaurants.

Chefs can specialize in different types of cuisine such as Italian, French, Asian, and more. They can also focus on specific areas like pastry, baking, or grilling. Chefs with a flair for creativity can work in research and development for food companies or start their own food ventures. 

The demand for skilled chefs is expected to grow in the coming years. The hospitality and food industries are expanding globally, creating more job opportunities for chefs. The salary of a chef can vary depending on their experience, location, and the type of establishment they work in. However, with dedication and hard work, chefs can earn a good income and build a fulfilling career.


  • Creativity
  • Career Growth
  • Job Satisfaction
  • International Opportunities


  • Long working hours
  • High stress environment
  • Physical demands
  • Low pay initially