Freelance Web Designer

Achieve high earnings while enjoying the freedom to work independently


As a Freelance Web Designer, you have the opportunity to work independently and offer your services to various clients on a project basis. This role allows you to showcase your creativity and technical skills in designing visually appealing and functional websites. 

You can enjoy the freedom to set your own schedule and choose projects in which you are interested. Also, you can work from anywhere ensuring a better work-life balance. With such a great opportunity, you can work on a wide range of projects for different clients, industries as well as businesses. This keeps your work exciting and helps you build a diverse portfolio.

Freelancing allows you to determine your own rates based on your expertise and the complexity of the projects. You will have the potential to earn more than a salaried position, especially as you gain experience and reputation.

Lastly, you can express your creativity through web design, turning ideas into visually appealing and functional websites. The job role of a Freelance Web Designer offers autonomy and an opportunity to grow your skills while working on diverse projects. However, it is essential to market yourself effectively, network, and continuously upgrade your skills to thrive in this competitive field.



  • For Bachelor’s: You can pursue B.Sc. Web Designing, B.Tech Computer Science, B.Sc. IT and more after passing their 10+2 board examination with at least 50% marks.
  • For Master’s: To advance your skills and knowledge in the IT sector, you can enrol in a Master's degree including M.Sc. Web Designing, M.Tech. Computer Science, M.Sc. IT.
  • For Diploma: You can also apply for a Diploma in Web Designing which is a one-year-long course.       


  • To start freelancing, you must first gain experience of a minimum of two years in the field of web designing.
  • You should possess an extensive knowledge of design trends, and user experience (UX) along with coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Many companies provide freelancing opportunities to entry-level or freshers as they have less experience but have extensive knowledge, creativity, and coding skills. 
  • By building a strong portfolio and gaining experience, you can work on projects on demand and earn a good income.

Job Roles

As a freelance web designer, you have the flexibility to take on various job roles and work on diverse projects. Some common job roles and responsibilities you may undertake as a freelancer include:

  • Web Designer
  • Front-end Developer
  • UI/UX Designer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Responsive Web Designer
  • E-commerce Web Designer
  • WordPress Designer
  • Web Design Consultant
  • Brand Identity Designer
  • Digital Marketing Designer
  • Mobile App Designer
  • Content Management System (CMS) Designer

Employment Sector Jobs

Unlike traditional employment, freelancing allows you the freedom to choose the projects you want to work on and collaborate with a wide range of businesses and organisations. Here are some of the employment sectors in which you can work and showcase your skills : 

  • Digital Marketing Agencies
  • E-commerce Platforms
  • Startups and Small Businesses
  • Corporate Companies
  • Non-Profit Organisations
  • Educational Institutions
  • Healthcare and Medical Industry
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Media and Entertainment
  • Real Estate
  • Fashion and Retail
  • Technology Companies

One of the advantages of being a freelance web designer is the versatility to work with clients from various industries and sectors. This diversity not only allows you to explore different creative opportunities but also provides exposure to different business perspectives and challenges.

Top Recruiters

As a freelance web designer, you are not typically recruited by specific companies or employers in the traditional sense. Instead, you offer your services independently to clients and businesses directly or through freelancing platforms and online marketplaces. There are several ways you can find potential clients and projects as a freelance web designer:

  • Upwork
  • Freelancer
  • Fiverr
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Facebook

The above-mentioned are the most preferred platforms to search for freelancing work. Moreover, you can also showcase your work to extend global reach through social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook


  • The salary of a freelance web designer can vary significantly depending on factors such as experience, skills, location, demand for services, and the type of projects undertaken. 
  • Since freelancers work on a project basis, their income is not fixed like a traditional salaried position. 
  • On an average, freelance web designers in India may earn anywhere between 3 lakhs to 10 lakhs INR per annum or even more.
  • The earnings may fluctuate from month to month based on the number and nature of projects undertaken. 
  • Successful freelance web designers in India often build a strong client base, deliver high-quality work and charge competitive rates to maximise their annual income.


  • Web Design Software 
  • Javascript
  • JQuery and other coding languages 
  • Responsive Design
  • User Experience (UX) Design
  • Typography and Color Theory
  • Wireframing and Prototyping
  • Web Development Basics
  • SEO Principles
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Time Management
  • Creativity and Problem-Solving
  • Client Management
  • Continuous Learning


The extent of future prospects for freelance web designers is quite promising and offers numerous opportunities for those with the right skills and determination. Here are some key aspects of the scope for freelance web designers:

  • Flexibility and Independence
  • Diverse Client Base
  • Global Reach
  • Career Growth
  • Diverse Projects
  • Earning Potential
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Career Autonomy

Moreover, by delivering top-notch work and maintaining positive client relationships, freelance web designers can carve out a fulfilling and prosperous career.


Freelance web designers enjoy several benefits that make this career option attractive and rewarding. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Flexibility
  • Work Independence
  • Diverse Projects
  • Higher Earning Potential
  • Career Growth
  • Skill Development
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Personal Fulfilment
  • Portfolio Building


Along with benefits, there are several drawbacks also to consider that a freelance web designer may face. Here are some of them : 

  • Tight Deadlines 
  • Client Management
  • Administrative Tasks
  • Marketing and Self-Promotion
  • Isolation
  • Uncertain Workload
  • Time Management
  • No Employer Benefits