Bachelor of Design [B.Des] (Product Design)

Where ideas take shape in designing


The Bachelor of Design (B.Des) in Product Design is a specialized undergraduate program that focuses on the creative and strategic aspects of designing products that are functional, aesthetically pleasing, and user-friendly. This course combines principles of design, engineering, and business to equip students with the skills necessary to conceptualize, develop, and bring innovative products to the market. Students in the Product Design program typically engage in a curriculum that includes design theory, material science, ergonomics, prototyping, and computer-aided design (CAD) techniques. Emphasis is placed on the entire product development process, from ideation and sketching to the practical application of design principles in the creation of physical prototypes. 

Additionally, students often explore user-centered design approaches to ensure that products meet the needs and preferences of end-users. The B.Des in Product Design not only nurtures students' creativity and design thinking but also encourages an understanding of market dynamics, manufacturing processes, and sustainability considerations.


The core subjects in a Bachelor of Design (B.Des) program with a focus on Product Design typically cover a range of fundamental and specialized topics to provide students with a well-rounded understanding of the field. While specific subjects may vary between universities, here are some common core subjects often found in a B.Des (Product Design) course:

  1. Design Fundamentals
  2. Drawing and Sketching
  3. Materials and Manufacturing Processes
  4. History of Design
  5. Product Ergonomics
  6. Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
  7. Prototyping and Model Making
  8. Design Thinking
  9. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
  10. Sustainability in Design
  11. User Experience (UX) Design
  12. Design Research Methods
  13. Brand Identity and Packaging Design
  14. Entrepreneurship in Design
  15. Advanced CAD and Rendering
  16. Design for Manufacturability
  17. Design Project Management

Practical Learning

Practical learning is a cornerstone of a Bachelor of Design (B.Des) program with a focus on Product Design. The hands-on experiences and real-world projects incorporated into the curriculum aim to develop students' skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Here are key aspects of practical learning in a B.Des (Product Design) course:

  1. Design Studios
  2. Design Workshops
  3. Live Projects
  4. Prototyping Labs
  5. Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Labs
  6. Material Exploration
  7. Field Visits
  8. User Testing and Feedback
  9. Design Critiques
  10. Industry Internships
  11. Exhibitions and Showcases
  12. Entrepreneurial Projects
  13. Design Thinking Workshops
  14. Collaborative Projects
  15. Portfolio Development

Course Curriculum



Year 1 

Introduction to Design Principles      

Drawing and Illustration                

Basics of 3D Design                   

Design History and Theory              

Communication Skills                 

Materials and Processes in Design      

Basic Photography for Designers        

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Basics     

Design Thinking and Innovation         

Visual Communication

Year 2 

Ergonomics in Design                   

Model Making and Prototyping            

Product Sketching and Rendering        

Design Research Methods               

Sustainability in Design               

Advanced 3D Modeling and Rendering    

Design for User Experience (UX)         

Design Project Management              

Materials and Manufacturing Processes   

Professional Practice in Design

Year 3

Advanced Product Design Studio I       

Interaction Design                      

Design for Manufacturing              

Design Entrepreneurship              

Elective Course 1                       

Advanced Product Design Studio II      

Design Ethics and Social Responsibility

Design and Business Strategies         

Elective Course 2                      

Internship or Industry Project

Year 4 

Specialization Elective 1              

Advanced Design Research Project       

Design Portfolio Development           

Elective Course 3                      

Professional Development Seminar        

Specialization Elective 2              

Final Design Project                   

Design Exhibition and Presentation     

Elective Course 4                      

Career Development Workshop

Please note that the credits assigned to each course are indicative and can vary. Also, the specific courses and their titles may differ between universities. Always refer to the official curriculum provided by the university offering the B.Des in Product Design for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Top Institutes

  1. National Institute of Design
  2. Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology
  3. Anant National University
  4. MIT Art, Design & Technology University
  5. National Institute of Fashion Technology
  6. Amity University Mumbai
  7. CEPT University
  8. Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kancheepuram
  9. World University Of Design

Career Growth

Career growth after completing a Bachelor of Design (B.Des) in Product Design is influenced by factors such as experience, specialization, continuous learning, and professional networking. Here are potential avenues for career growth for individuals with a B.Des in Product Design:

  1. Specialization in Niche Areas
  2. Pursue Master of Design (M.Des) or a Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  3. Professional Certifications
  4. Project Leadership
  5. Entrepreneurship
  6. Global Exposure
  7. Management Positions
  8. Research and Development Roles
  9. Cross-Functional Collaboration
  10. Industry Networking
  11. Publication and Thought Leadership
  12. Continuous Learning
  13. Mentoring and Training
  14. Industry Conferences and Exhibitions
  15. Adaptability to Technology
  16. Client Interaction and Business Development
  17. Innovation Leadership


After completing a Bachelor of Design (B.Des) in Product Design, graduates have a wide range of career opportunities across diverse industries that value innovative and user-centric design. The scope for product designers is extensive, and individuals with this qualification can explore employment in the following industries:

  1. Consumer Electronics
  2. Automotive Industry
  3. Furniture and Interior Design
  4. Consumer Goods and Appliances
  5. Fashion and Apparel
  6. Medical Product Design
  7. Packaging Industry
  8. Toy and Game Industry
  9. Environmental and Sustainable Design
  10. Entrepreneurship and Start-ups
  11. Advertising and Marketing Agencies
  12. Technology and Innovation Companie
  13. Manufacturing and Production
  14. Aerospace Industry
  15. Education and Research
  16. Consultancy and Design Agencies
  17. Sports and Outdoor Equipment
  18. Food and Beverage Industry

Pros & Cons


  • Creativity and Innovation: The program fosters creativity and encourages students to think innovatively, enabling them to conceptualize and design unique products.
  • Hands-On Experience: Students gain practical, hands-on experience through design studios, workshops, and projects, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
  • Versatility: The skills acquired in product design are versatile and applicable across various industries, providing graduates with a wide range of career opportunities.
  • User-Centered Design: The curriculum often emphasizes user-centered design principles, ensuring that graduates develop products that meet the needs and preferences of end-users.
  • Interdisciplinary Learning: Product design involves collaboration with professionals from diverse fields such as engineering, business, and marketing, promoting interdisciplinary learning and teamwork.
  • Portfolio Development: Students graduate with a strong portfolio showcasing their design projects, which becomes a valuable asset when seeking internships or employment.
  • Networking Opportunities: The program provides opportunities to connect with industry professionals, attend design events, and build a network within the design community.


  • Intensive Workload: The coursework can be demanding, involving long hours of design work, prototyping, and project submissions, which may lead to a high workload.
  • Subjective Evaluation: Design is subjective, and evaluations are often based on individual creativity and interpretation, which can be challenging for some students.
  • Competitive Industry: The design industry can be competitive, especially for entry-level positions. Graduates may need to distinguish themselves through their portfolio and experiences.
  • Limited Job Stability: Some design roles, especially freelance or project-based work, may lack the job stability associated with more traditional career paths.
  • Continuous Pressure for Innovation: Designers are expected to consistently come up with innovative ideas, which can create pressure and require a high level of adaptability and creativity.
  • Balancing Aesthetics and Functionality: Designers need to find a balance between creating aesthetically pleasing products and ensuring that they are functional and meet user needs.