MBA Shipping Finance

Navigate the Seas of Finance and Logistics With an MBA in Shipping Finance


The MBA in Finance with a focus on Shipping is a specialised program tailored to equip students with a unique blend of financial expertise and in-depth knowledge of the maritime industry. The core curriculum delves into essential finance topics such as Financial Management, Investment Analysis, Corporate Finance, Financial Markets and Institutions, providing students with a strong foundation in financial principles and their practical application within the context of the shipping sector.

Moreover, the curriculum includes courses in Port and Terminal Management, Maritime Law and Regulations, which provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the unique challenges and legal frameworks within the maritime industry. This holistic approach ensures that students are well-prepared to navigate the financial and operational intricacies of the shipping sector upon completion of the program.

Furthermore, the program offers specialised subjects that explore Shipping Finance and Risk Management, allowing students to gain a deep understanding of the financial intricacies specific to the maritime domain. Additionally, students will acquire insights into maritime economics, learning about the complexities of managing financial aspects within shipping operations


An MBA in Shipping Finance is a specialised program that combines core business management principles with a focus on the financial aspects specific to the maritime and shipping industry. The curriculum is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required for managerial roles in shipping finance. Here are some core subjects listed below:

  • Maritime Economics
  • Shipping Finance and Risk Management
  • International Trade and Finance
  • Maritime Law and Regulations
  • Port and Terminal Management
  • Shipping Operations and Logistics
  • Risk Assessment in Maritime Operations
  • Financial Accounting for Shipping
  • Marine Insurance
  • Ship Valuation and Appraisal
  • Shipping Law and Arbitration
  • Marine Economics and Policy
  • Financial Modelling for Shipping
  • Strategic Management in Shipping
  • Case Studies in Shipping Finance

These major subjects provide an in-depth understanding of the financial, legal and operational aspects of the shipping industry, preparing students for roles in shipping finance, maritime management and related fields.


Practical Learning

Practical learning in an MBA in Shipping Finance program is crucial to prepare students for the dynamic and complex challenges of the maritime industry. Below are a few of them:

  • Industry Visits
  • Internships
  • Guest Lectures and Industry Experts
  • Workshops on Financial Modeling
  • Research Projects with Industry Collaboration
  • Simulation of Trading and Risk Management
  • Industry Networking Events
  • Financial Reporting and Analysis Workshops
  • Industry-Driven Projects

Course Curriculum

The course curriculum for an MBA in Shipping Finance typically spans two years and is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of financial management principles specific to the maritime and shipping industry. While specific courses may vary between institutions, here is a generalised overview of the course: 

First Year 

  • Principles of Management
  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Managerial Economics
  • Marketing Management
  • Business Communication
  • Financial Accounting
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Management
  • Business Statistics
  • Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making
  • Business Research Methods
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Global Economic Environment
  • Shipping Industry Overview
  • International Trade and Shipping Economics
  • Maritime Law and Regulations
  • Shipping Operations and Logistics

Second Year 

  • Shipping Finance and Risk Management
  • Shipping Investment and Financial Markets
  • Maritime Insurance and Risk Assessment
  • Financial Modeling for Shipping
  • Port and Terminal Management
  • Marine Economics and Policy
  • Investment Banking in Shipping
  • Case Studies in Shipping Finance
  • Treasury and Risk Management in Shipping
  • Shipping Finance Audit and Compliance
  • Strategic Management in Shipping
  • Research Project or Dissertation
  • Industry Seminars and Guest Lectures
  • Networking Events

Top Institutes

Here are some of the well-regarded institutes for MBA Shipping Finance in India:

  • Indian Maritime University (IMU), Chennai
  • National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai
  • Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK)
  • Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB)
  • Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (IIML)
  • Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Pune
  • Amity Business School, Noida
  • Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIMI)
  • Tolani Maritime Institute (TMI), Pune

Career Growth

Career growth in MBA Shipping Finance can be dynamic, offering professionals the opportunity to advance in various roles within the maritime industry and financial sector. Here are key factors that contribute to career growth for individuals:

  • Specialised Expertise
  • Strategic Decision-Making
  • Leadership Positions
  • Global Opportunities
  • Risk Management Roles
  • Investment Banking in Shipping
  • Asset Management and Optimisation
  • Consulting and Advisory Roles
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Networking and Industry Engagement
  • Government and Regulatory Roles
  • Educational and Research Roles


The scope of an MBA in Finance with a specialisation in Shipping is broad, offering professionals specialised knowledge in financial management within the maritime and shipping industry. Here’s an overview of the scope and potential career paths as below:

  • Shipping Finance Manager
  • Marine Finance Analyst
  • Risk Manager in Shipping
  • Investment Banking in Shipping
  • Shipping Investment Analyst
  • Maritime Asset Manager
  • Commodity Trade Finance Specialist
  • Shipping Credit Analyst
  • Port and Terminal Finance Manager
  • Maritime Insurance Specialist
  • Shipping Financial Controller
  • Treasury Manager in Shipping
  • Shipping Finance Auditor
  • Consulting and Advisory Roles
  • Entrepreneurship in Maritime Finance

Pros & Cons

Pros of pursuing an MBA in Shipping Finance

  • Specialised Expertise
  • Lucrative Career Opportunities
  • Industry Networking
  • Diverse Career Paths
  • International Exposure
  • Entrepreneurial Opportunities

Cons of pursuing an MBA in Shipping Finance

  • Limited Program Options
  • Dynamic Regulatory Environment
  • Rigorous Academic Demands