Saloon Rating

Start a Rewarding Sea Career with a Saloon Rating Course in Merchant Navy


The Saloon Rating course in the merchant navy is a 6 month-long pre-sea training course. It mainly focuses on the catering department of a merchant navy ship and trains the students to make them capable of holding responsibilities in this department aboard merchant navy ships. 

The course curriculum typically includes Basic Safety Training (BST), which covers essential firefighting techniques, personal survival skills, elementary first aid and personal safety responsibilities crucial for onboard operations. 

Additionally, students learn about personal hygiene standards, sanitation protocols and infection control measures to uphold cleanliness and prevent the spread of illnesses within the saloon areas. 

The practical training focuses on food handling and catering principles including menu planning, meal preparation and proper serving etiquette to ensure high-quality service standards for passengers and crew members. 

Apart from this, housekeeping and accommodation maintenance techniques are also emphasised, encompassing cabin cleaning, laundry operations, bed making and general upkeep of saloon areas to uphold hygiene standards and ensure passenger comfort. 

Furthermore, students develop communication skills, customer service etiquette and conflict resolution techniques to interact professionally with passengers and effectively address their needs. Emergency response procedures including evacuation protocols and muster station assignments, are also part of the curriculum to prepare students for potential onboard emergencies. 

Overall, the Saloon Rating course provides a well-rounded education to individuals aspiring to work in the saloon department of the merchant navy, emphasising safety, service excellence and operational efficiency in maritime hospitality


The core subjects covered in a Saloon Rating course in the merchant navy typically include: 

  • Basic Safety Training (BST)
  • Personal Hygiene and Sanitation
  • Food Handling and Catering
  • Housekeeping and Accommodation Maintenance
  • Customer Service and Communication Skills
  • Wine and Beverage Service
  • Emergency Response Procedures

Practical Learning

The practical training complements theoretical knowledge and prepares the students of the Saloon Rating course for the real-life challenges that they may encounter onboard ships. Some key areas of practical learning in this course include:

  • Food Handling and Catering
  • Housekeeping and Cabin Maintenance
  • Table Service and Beverage Handling
  • Customer Service and Interpersonal Skills
  • Emergency Drills and Safety Procedures
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Role-specific Training

Course Curriculum

The course curriculum of a Saloon Rating course in the merchant navy typically covers a variety of subjects and practical skills relevant to shipboard hospitality and service. While specific course content may vary depending on the training institution and regulatory requirements, here are the common components of the curriculum:

  1. Basic Safety Training (BST)
  2. Shipboard Regulations and Procedures
  3. Cultural Awareness and Diversity Training
  4. Professional Ethics and Conduct
  5. Housekeeping and Accommodation Maintenance
  6. Personal Hygiene and Sanitation
  7. Customer Service and Communication Skills

Moreover, the candidates are advised to review the specifics of the course curriculum provided by the leading institutes

Top Institutes

In India, several institutes offer courses for Saloon Rating, providing training and certification for individuals aspiring to work in shipboard hospitality and service within the merchant navy. Some of the top institutes offering this course in India include:

  • Tolani Maritime Institute (TMI), Pune
  • Anglo Eastern Maritime Training Centre (AEMTC), Mumbai
  • Hindustan Institute of Maritime Training (HIMT), Chennai
  • Applied Research International School of Maritime Studies (ARISMS), New Delhi
  • Training Ship Rahaman (TS Rahaman), Mumbai
  • International Maritime Institute (IMI), New Delhi
  • Maritime Training Institute (MTI), Mumbai
  • Samundra Institute of Maritime Studies (SIMS), Mumbai

Furthermore, the aspirants should research each institute’s offerings, accreditation status, placement record and facilities before making a decision

Career Growth

The career growth trajectory for individuals who have completed the Saloon Rating course in the merchant navy can be promising, offering opportunities for advancement and professional development within the shipboard hospitality and service sector. Here’s how career growth may unfold for Saloon Rating: 

  • Skill Development and Experience
  • Promotion to Supervisory Roles
  • Specialisation and Additional Training
  • Career Advancement within the Cruise Industry
  • Entrepreneurship and Business Ventures
  • Continuous Learning 
  • Professional Development


The scope of the Saloon Rating course in the merchant navy is broad and offers numerous opportunities for individuals interested in pursuing careers in shipboard hospitality and service. Here are some aspects of the scope of the Saloon Rating course:


  • Employment Opportunities
  • Global Industry Demand
  • Versatile Roles
  • Career Progression
  • Specialisation Opportunities
  • Continuous Learning and Development
  • Entrepreneurship

Pros & Cons

Pros of pursuing a Saloon Rating Course 

  • Job Opportunities
  • Global Employment
  • Travel and Adventure
  • Career Advancement
  • Skills Development

Cons of pursuing a Saloon Rating Course

  • Challenging Work Environment
  • Safety Risks
  • Limited Personal Time
  • Career Progression Challenges
  • Health and Well-being Concerns